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Infant Skin Care

The skin is the largest organ in the human body. Besides serving as a protective barrier, it has the function of thermoregulation, UV protection, protection from invasion of microbes and external antigens, repair and regeneration of wounds and synthesis of nutrients. It also has immunological  and sensory autonomic functions. We must remember that the skin […]

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ZIKA Virus

Introduction: The Zika virus, a mosquito-transmitted disease, was first identified in the Zika Forest of Uganda in 1947 in the rhesus monkey. Eventually, it got transmitted to humans in 1952. This illness is transmitted by two species of mosquito — Aedes Albopictus and Aedes Aegypti. The Zika virus is similar to yellow fever, dengue, West […]

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Urinary Problems During Pregnancy

Many women experience some unpleasant conditions during pregnancy like urine infection, urinating more frequently, constipation, haemorrhoids etc. Pic Courtesy:   Urinary Tract Infection Generally, urine infections are caused by bacteria from the skin, rectum or vagina which enters the urethra. There are different types of urinary tract infection, commonly known as UTI. Below are […]