Polyhydramnios – Things You Need To Know


Amniotic fluid present in the amniotic sac provides a cushion to the baby in the womb protecting it from injuries. Polyhydramnios is a medical condition in which excessive accumulation of fluid takes place in the amniotic sac.

Polyhydramnios is not a common condition and occurs in around one percent of pregnancies. The cases are mostly mild and result due to a gradual build-up of amniotic fluid during the second half of a pregnancy. This condition is diagnosed when the amniotic volume reaches two litres or more. Acute polyhydramnios is common if you’re having a multiple pregnancy i.e., a pregnancy with more than one baby. Read More

Molar pregnancy / Trophoblastic disease

MolarPregnancyMolar pregnancy is part of the spectrum of diseases known as trophoblastic disease. A normal pregnancy consists of the fetus or developing baby and the placenta which is made of trophoblasts. A molar pregnancy (also called hydatidiform mole) is an abnormal overgrowth of the placenta caused by an imbalance in the number of chromosomes supplied from the mother and the father.

Molar pregnancies are uncommon, occurring in 1 out of every 600-1200 pregnancies. Risk factors for this condition include:

  • Asian and Mexican ethnicity
  • Teenage pregnancy
  • Maternal age > 40 years
  • History of two or more miscarriages
  • Previous molar pregnancy.

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