Empowering Safe Births for Women with Complex Conditions

Sucharitha, born with mitochondrial myopathy, faced significant challenges on her path to motherhood. This genetic condition, characterised by symptoms like muscle weakness, droopy eyelids, and exercise intolerance, made her pregnancy journey uniquely complex.

Diagnosed at age 12, Sucharitha managed her condition with antioxidants. Upon conceiving, she and her husband underwent genetic testing, revealing only she carried the mutation. Having heard of Fernandez’s multidisciplinary obstetric team, she knew this was the place that would provide her with care and expertise she needed to birth.

Despite increased risks for diabetes and high blood pressure, Sucharitha’s glucose levels remained normal. However, she developed hypertension at 36 weeks, necessitating careful management by her team Dr Tara and Dr Malini. Labour was induced at 38 weeks, and she successfully delivered a healthy 3.26 kg baby girl vaginally.

Sucharitha’s story is a testament to the power of comprehensive medical care, proper diagnosis, reassurance and confidence provided by the obstetric team. Her journey underscores the possibility of a positive birthing experience, even with a genetic condition.

Concerned about complications during pregnancy? Our multidisciplinary team is here to support you at every step.

Call 1800 419 1397 to book an appointment with our specialists.

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